Goodbye, 2022. Hello, 2023!
Amy, the ATFS! team and I are so grateful to all of you for making 2022 such a huge success. We had so much fun and enjoyed many accomplishments this past year and that is all because of our runners, walkers, and generous sponsors. As we look back on our year together we fondly remember the times we ran in the rain, sun, and wind. We braved warm and chilly temps. We logged miles on roads, trails, and beaches. Our run/walk community made memories in Auburn, Puyallup, Long Beach, Olympia, Wilkeson, and Enumclaw. What a year we had! Wishing everyone and their families a Runderful New Year!
Shout out to the Tacoma News Tribune for their article about ATFS! 300 runners joined us for the 5th annual Ugly Sweater Run. Did you see the fun photos from Patrick Khron Photography?

SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2023 AT 9:30 AM
Mimosa 5K
South Sound Running, Puyallup, WA

SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2023 AT 8:30 AM
The Winter Half Marathon
Van Lierop Park, Puyallup, WA

Run your Bundts Off 5K
Nathan Chapman Memorial Trail, Puyallup, WA
New Event in 2023!
Saturday, March 25th we're doing a new exciting event, the Foreseen Four Miler. This is a tech-free trail run. There isn't another run like this in Washington State. Maps are given day of the event. Runners each predict their finish time. The top two finishers with the most accurate finish times each win a prize. Watch our Facebook page and events page on our website for more information soon.
Save the date for the first Pub Run of 2023 on Wednesday, January 25th South Sound Running 115 Meridian S., Puyallup, 98371.
Until we see you again, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy & Happy Running!
From Amy, Kim, and the team at All Things Fun Sports!